A busy day starts with a good breakfast.. Tommy ponders not one but two beverages.
Tommy is wearing his thinking cap.
Tommy is sharing a bite of nutroll with Grace.
Grace stretches after her nap.
Tommy is mowing the lawn near the Easter bunnies.
Grace makes a surprise deposit during her bath.
She admits she feels a lot better.
Grace is wearing her Easter bonnet.
Aunt Christine is having fun coloring with Tommy.
Pap pap is lunching with Tommy. Guess who is having hummus? (it's not pap pap)
Aunt Eileen enjoys a chat with Tommy.
Great Grandma plays with Grace
Grace borrows daddy's phone.
Tommy looks at photos with mommy.
Tommy gets a cooking lesson from Grammy.
Pap pap is having fun reading with Tommy.
The Party Princess naps by day.
Grammy and Pap pap spend an evening with the grand-kids.
Aunt Christine and Grace.
Grace calls it a night all tucked in with her team's colors.
Pap pap colors Tommy's Easter egg at Aunt Cheri's house.
...and to all a Good Night!